The project is directed to strengthen the protection of children from early marriage and support access to education, health care and violence prevention in the Khulo region of Upper Adjara.
Creation of a multispectral response team at the municipal level to quickly respond to cases and their work in cooperation with the Batumi Crisis Center and Batumi police, active involvement of professionals, key persons, strengthening cooperation with legislative bodies, executive and judicial institutions and public participation, changing people's attitudes towards the problem of involving religious representatives, raising awareness of local authorities, community leaders, preparing teachers to work in schools as instructors, enriching doctors' knowledge about the health risks associated with child marriage, complications of pregnancy, domestic violence and its impact on the health of children and girls, volunteer work with communities to raise awareness of the health impact of early marriage, legislation and services in this area has accelerated the eradication of child marriage in a more structured manner and contributed to the abolition of marriage among girls during school period in the Khulo region.
The project was implemented by two organizations — Union Women Center (Georgia)and Baku Volunteer Centre of Azerbaijan (Azerbaijan). The project addressed reduce facts of early marriages and discrimination through coordinate joint activities of representatives of the legislative and law enforcement agencies, community and local organizations, health care professionals, religion leaders .
Project activities were implemented in region of Georgia were compact lives ethnic minority communities and in regions of Azerbaijan. Jointly with religion leaders raze awareness about legislation, gender based violence and governmental response among rural communities, teachers , young married women . Enrich knowledge regional family doctors , OB/Gyn , nurses about the specific features of the course of pregnancy and the complications and ways of their prevention . Create multispectral mechanisms on regional level for response on the cases Publish brochure “ Reproductive and Sexual Health Consequences of Child Marriage )
DESERVING OLD AGE (NEAR-TS/2015/371-634 EC) Leading organization IDP Women Association "Consent", partner organization Union Women Center Association “Women of Multinational Georgia” (AWMG), Association “Gantiadi”.
Project directe on creation of capacity of local organizations located at grass root level, raising of capacity in new sphere of social services; improvement of real situation of the most vulnerable aged/elderly by provision of adequate social services, training of medical doctors and nurses to raise their awareness on illnesses of old age, and to introduce criteria and indicators of such diseases. Creation Day Center of framework for inclusion and organizing condition for dignified life and close involvement of important stakeholders – Parliament of Georgia, line ministries and local self-government – in implementation of provisions of Madrid International Action Plan and those decisions which made on the base of advocacy of CSOs and created coalition.




Women’s Rights - set up group of lawyers, sociologist, psychologists, statistics, which work on protection women’s and children rights Women’sCenter is closely working and is a sisterhood of WAVE (Women Against Violence in Europe, Vienna, Austria); Austrian Women Shelter (Vienna), Leeds Metropolitan University (Research Center on violence, abuse and gender relations, Leeds, UK), University of North London (Child and woman abuse studies unit, UK), CASA (Children’s voice in court, Georgia, USA).
From 1998 representative of Women’s Center is included in the program of “Human Rights Advanced Leadership Training for Women” (USA). Our organization is the member of the Network, which organise by National Democratic Institute for International Affairs and work on the project “Women’s Leadership in pre-election period.” Also we are connected with ODIHR and OSCE and work on the problems of trafficking women. “Investigation of Women’s rights is Georgia”, which questioned 1251 women in 9 regions of Georgia and 4 cities. Objectives to carry out the investigation and statistical confirmation about Women’s Rights throughout whole Georgia on the basis of the social questioning. (Used Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences by Alan Agresti USA) Based on this study findings, we can conclude, that despite the discrimination and violation of women’s rights, major part of Georgian women have determination minded orientation and even are partly active in community and social life.
82% percent of women did not know that Georgian legislation protects their rights, that is the reason of women’s powerlessness. In order to establish equality between men and women, in all aspects of life, it is necessary to redevelop the value and dignity of women and widely implement their human rights.(UNICEF) “Protection of women’s rights educational program”, on the basis of which brochures on the following topics were printed and distributed:- Social life, Reproductive life, Reproductive rights , Human rights, Sexuality, Domestic Violence ,What is Gender , Sexually transmitted diseases (STD), Protection of women’s rights in Georgia by active legislation, Adolescence maternity rights, Careers & Modern women , Women rights in the family.
Deliver lectures about women’s rights.(Global Fund for Women – USA) “Georgian Legislation in Practice. “The goal of the project is to review the existing laws concerning women’s rights, publish brochures where are included all laws defining the solution of women’s problems and distributed them appropriately. That action makes laws know for women. In addition, we conducted two 5-days training in Tbilisi and Rustavi, which raised great interest from population. Besides, in 58 organisations throughout all Georgian regions delivered micro-lectures, with movies pertaining to the problems of women-trafficking and flouting of labour rights of women going to working abroad. Publishing and distributed brochures will be on the following topics: Rights and responsibilities of spouses; Women’s rights in the family;Pregnancy and birth giving; Reproductive rights; Women’s right at work; Breaking the family and consequences; Sexual. Harassment (American Bar Association) “Emergency Phone for Abused Women “The aim of the program was the establishment of first hot-line service, and victims rendered the consultation together with all kind of relevant services through juridical, medical staff. Telephone-trainers consult and protect the women's rights.( Mama-Cash)
"Trafficking in Women ". Objective to investigate the problem of Trafficking in women from Georgia,carry out the social questioning among the suppositional groups of heightened risk in Georgia; analyse the Georgian legislation., collect the materials of research on problem in other countries; give the information to the women from group heightened risk and to public of Georgia. The analysis show the problem of trafficking in Georgia is existing in an obscured form.(OSI) Establishment of Network of Women’s Rights in region of Georgia Goals-create network of women’s right in the regions Kakheti, Guria, Shida- Kartly of Georgia. To reach this target, we plan though seminar-training in the regional centers and for the participants to establish local branches. (ABA)
Awareness and Equality against Trafficking Women. We make action to protect the potential victims through the distribution of information on sex-tourism. There were issued the brochures (1000 copies), which were disseminated at the meetings with the representatives of different regions and social groups; also at the meetings arranged by other non-governmental organizations. At the same time there were prepared the liflets (40000 copies) containing the mail addresses and contact telephone numbers of the residences of the ambassador of Georgia in different States, to be disseminated at the airports and other places which are closed to the State margins. (OSI)
"Emergency Phone for Abused Women "The aim of the program was the establishment of first hot-line service, and victimsrenderd the consultation together with all kind of revelant services through juridical, medical staff. Telephone-trainers consult and protect the women's rights. (Mama-Cash)
"Awareness and Equality against Trafficking in Women". We make action to protect the potential victims thought the distribution of information on sex-tourism. There were issued the brochures (1000 copies), which were desseminated at the meeting with the representatives of different regions and social groups; also at the meeting arranged by other non-government organizations in the regions. (Mama-Cash)
Virtually every women visit some form of health professional at some point in their life. The health care sector can be very important part of the help seeking process for women experiencing violence. Women may seek medical help for the consequences of domestic violence; they may also be in routine contact with the health service. Health professionals who will most often encounter survivors of domestic violence include: gynecologist, psychiatric, cardiologist, pediatricians, neurologist, family doctors. The injuries sustained from physical violence have clear health effects for victims.

The main goal was Training for Medical Professionals to enhance their skills on how to effectively screen on gender based violence. Creation and publication of Community Education Program. Organize one day workshop at 3 universities on prevention gender based violence. Organize one week classes for community educators (volunteer group) student education at universities. Round-table with governmental representatives. Publish booklets
• Conflict Resolution Skills
• Working towards a nonviolence world,
• Violence and Health Care Response
• Sexual Harassment at schools
In addition we published posters
• Implementation of skills and strategies for conflict solution
• Health Sector Response Victims of Domestic Violence

Presented project focus on providing service to them who are survivors of physical, sexual and/or psychological violence, including battering, rape, incest, sexual exploitation and sexual harassment, victims of trafficking, domestic violence. To encourage government bodies to hold perpetrators accountable and to undertake all appropriate measures for perpetrators rehabilitation.

Implemented work was trained 100 physicians in 5 hospitals /policlinic in Tbilisi, 46 youth attended one week classes on preventing sexual harassment in school. Organized action “We choose to be healthy”. Total 209 persons used hot-line, medical service, one-on-one counseling, women support group meetings.
Created and published booklets on "Prevention Domestic Violence in Future Generation". We choose to be healthy POSTER – Advocacy Youth in the Areas of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, Health Sector Response to domestic violence.

Project direct to improve the political and social climate in strengthening the Role of Civil Society and Promoting Minority Women's Rights and Supporting Rule of Law. The establishment system of minority women protection which include hot-line, face-to face consultation, door to door work with community to prevent community from multiple discrimination.
Publication and distribution Georgian legislation and policies in Azerbaijan Language change response to protection of women’s rights in Shida-Kartly region.

The project aims to support the integration minorities the protection and promotion women’s rights by advocating for implementation of international standards, domestic legislation and policies, educating women about existing legislation, raising awareness of minority rights and discussing how human rights fit within their culture. Make change in the National Advocacy Plan for Tolerance and Civil Integration (2009-2013) through adding Human rights and Gender Equality component which will be directed for minority protection from discrimination and gender based violence.
Small-scale initiative taken for increasing capacities and raising awareness among community, government officials (both central and local level), media, and NGOs working in the region. Capacity building of local NGOs, youth empowerment through education, development of brochures on Aziri language on legislations, ongoing governmental response. Establishment of Consulting Center with hot-line, judicial consultation. Strengthening the legislative framework through Created legislative component - Human rights and Gender Equality and changes in the National Advocacy Plan for Tolerance and Civil Integration implementation which is guarantee for protection minorities in the country level.
Component Human rights and Gender Equality, will support in the Country working National Action Plan Combating Domestic Violence, National Action Plan on Human Trafficking, National Action Plan on Gender Equality.

Strengthening the legislative framework through Created legislative component - Human rights and Gender Equality and changes in the National Advocacy Plan for Tolerance and Civil Integration implementation which is guarantee for protection minorities in the country level.
Component Human rights and Gender Equality, will support in the country working National Action Plan Combating Domestic Violence, National Action Plan on Human Trafficking, National Action Plan on Gender Equality.

Mainstreaming the Rule of Law into the National Concept for Tolerance and Civil Integration
Explanatory Note
To the Draft Governmental Decree
“On the Amendments to the Decree of the Government of Georgia of May 8, 2009 No. 348 on the Adoption of the National Concept and National Action Plan on Tolerance and Civil Integration”
The Draft Governmental Decree “On the Amendments to the Decree of the Government of Georgia of May 8, 2009 No. 348 on the Adoption of the National Concept and National Action Plan on Tolerance and Civil Integration” foresees addition of the component on “Gender Equality and Prevention of Domestic Violence” to the National Concept and National Action Plan on Tolerance and Civil Integration. The aforementioned component will promote improvement of the situation of women among ethnical minorities especially in terms of elimination of harmful practices and customs existing in family relations. The goal of the Draft Governmental Decree is to protect women’s rights and freedoms equally with those of men among the ethnic minorities especially with regard to family relations and thus to improve the existing situation.
Pursuant to the article 5 of United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), which has been ratified by the Parliament of Georgia on September 22nd 1994, the States Parties shall take all appropriate measures
to “modify the social and cultural patterns of conduct of men and women, with a view to achieving the elimination of prejudices and customary and all other practices which are based on the idea of the inferiority or the superiority of either of the sexes or on stereotyped roles for men and women.” Further, in accordance to the article 20 of the European Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities (ratified by the Parliament of Georgia as per the Decree No. 1938 of October 13, 2005), “in the exercise of the rights and freedoms flowing from the principles enshrined in the present framework Convention, any person belonging to a national minority shall respect the national legislation and the rights of others…”. As for the domestic legislation, the Government of Georgia denounces discrimination against women and for this purpose implements the policy to eliminate discrimination against women, which is expressed in both the ratification/accession to international treaties and the adoption of legislation on the domestic level. In terms of domestic legislation the most important pieces of legislation in this line are: the Decree of the Parliament of Georgia on the “Adoption of the State Concept on Gender Equality” (24.07.2006), the Law of Georgia “on Gender Equality” (26.03.2010), the Law of Georgia on the “Elimination of Domestic Violence, Protection and Assistance to the Victims of Domestic Violence” (25.05.2006) and etc. The Constitution of Georgia is the supreme Law of the country recognizing that in Georgia “everyone is free by birth and is equal before law regardless of race, color, language, sex, religion, political and other opinions, national, ethnic and social belonging, origin, property and title, place of residence” (article 14). Further, “citizens of Georgia shall be equal in social, economic, cultural and political life irrespective of their national, ethnic, religious or linguistic belonging. In line with the universally recognized principles and rules of international law, they shall have the right to develop freely, without any discrimination and interference, their culture, to use their mother tongue in private and in public” (article 38).
Pursuant to the Draft Decree “the State shall support and ensure equality of the rights of women and men in the political, economic, social and cultural life also among ethnical minorities”. The Draft Decree determines that the State shall support overall development and progress of women among ethnical minorities in order to promote gender equality.
In the Draft Decree major focus is placed on the elimination of discrimination among ethnic minorities in family relations, namely in marriage, divorce, relations with children and etc.
- the State shall support elimination of discrimination in marriage and family relations among ethnical minorities, namely:
a) women and men shall enjoy equal individual and property rights in the family relations, marriage and during divorce including the right to chose the name, profession and occupation and they are imposed equal obligations.
b)similar to men, women representing ethnical minorities shall have the right to the free chose the spouse and to marriage only with free and full consent;
c)women and men representing ethnical minorities shall have equal rights and obligations in all matters relating to their children;
d)engagement or marriage of juveniles representing ethnical minorities shall have no legal force save cases determined by the Georgian legislation;
e)rights and obligations related to the labor in the family by the spouses representing ethnical minorities shall be equal;
f)the spouses shall have equal rights to possess, acquire, manage, use and administer property;
g)violent relationships among family members shall be inadmissible.
A chapter entitled “Promotion of Gender Equality and Prevention of Domestic Violence” shall be added to the Annex No. 2 of the Governmental Decree “on the Adoption of the National Concept and National Action Plan on Tolerance and Civil Integration of May 8, 2009 No. 348”. The aforementioned draft addendum mainly implies awareness raising among ethnic minorities on gender and domestic violence issues through production and distribution of information materials and organization of meetings/trainings for the representatives of ethnic minorities. It should be noted that the Draft Governmental Decree “On the Amendments to the Decree of the Government of Georgia of May 8, 2009 No. 348 on the Adoption of the National Concept and National Action Plan on Tolerance and Civil Integration” does not entail either allocation of additional resources from the state budget or increase/change in the income and expenditure sections of the state budget. Neither does it imply acquisition of any new financial obligations by the State.
Draft Governmental Decree
“On the Amendments to the Decree of the Government of Georgia of May 8, 2009 No. 348 on the Adoption of the National Concept and National Action Plan on Tolerance and Civil Integration”
In accordance to the article 63 of the General Administrative Code of Georgia, the following addenda shall be made to the “Decree of the Government of Georgia of May 8, 2009 No. 348 on the Adoption of the National Concept and National Action Plan on Tolerance and Civil Integration”:
- a) Paragraph 7 entitled “Promotion of Gender Equality and Prevention of Domestic Violence” shall be added to the chapter 4;
- b)The Paragraph 7 of the chapter 4 shall be formulated as follows:
The Constitution of Georgia is the supreme law of the country, which determines the balance of values in the society, such as the correlation between freedom, equality and order and in the framework of which the achievement of human welfare becomes possible. The Constitution of Georgia recognizes the principle of equality and denounces discrimination.
The state of Georgia denounces discrimination against women and for this purpose implements the policy to eliminate discrimination against women, which is expressed in both the ratification/accession to international treaties and in the adoption of legislation on the domestic level. Pursuant to the article 38 of the Constitution of Georgia “citizens of Georgia shall be equal in social, economic, cultural and political life irrespective of their national, ethnic, religious or linguistic belonging”. Bearing this in mind,
h) women and men shall enjoy equal individual and property rights in the family relations, marriage and during divorce including the right to chose the name, profession and occupation and shall be imposed equal obligations.
i) women and men shall enjoy equal individual and property rights in the family relations, marriage and during divorce including the right to chose the name, profession and occupation and shall be imposed equal obligations.
j) women and men shall enjoy equal individual and property rights in the family relations, marriage and during divorce including the right to chose the name, profession and occupation and shall be imposed equal obligations.
k) women and men shall enjoy equal individual and property rights in the family relations, marriage and during divorce including the right to chose the name, profession and occupation and shall be imposed equal obligations.
l) women and men shall enjoy equal individual and property rights in the family relations, marriage and during divorce including the right to chose the name, profession and occupation and shall be imposed equal obligations.
m) women and men shall enjoy equal individual and property rights in the family relations, marriage and during divorce including the right to chose the name, profession and occupation and shall be imposed equal obligations.
n) women and men shall enjoy equal individual and property rights in the family relations, marriage and during divorce including the right to chose the name, profession and occupation and shall be imposed equal obligations.
- The Government shall promote the elimination of prejudices and customary and all other practices which are based on the idea of the inferiority or the superiority of either of the sexes or on stereotyped roles for men and women. Therefore,
- a) The Government shall support and ensure equality of the rights of women and men in the political, economic, social and cultural life among ethnical minorities.
- The State shall support overall development and progress of women among ethnical minorities in order to promote gender equality.
- The State shall support elimination of discrimination in marriage and family relations among ethnical minorities, namely:
The following chapter shall be added to the Annex No. 2 of the Action Plan entitled “Promotion of Gender Equality and Prevention of Domestic Violence”:
Present document is created by multisectoral and multidisciplinary working group with supervision of lawyer Irma Aladashvili
