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The AIDS epidemic will be brought to a swift end through committing to the goals of UNAIDS 90–90–90: 90% of people living with HIV will know their HIV status, 90% of people who know their HIV positive status will receive antiretroviral drugs, treatment, and 90% of people on treatment will have suppressed viral loads, keeping them healthy and reducing the risk of HIV transmission. Ending the world’s AIDS epidemic is achievable by 2030 The Fast-Track AIDS program encourages new, cutting-edge service delivery. The program addresses other public health challenges, including tuberculosis, sexual and reproductive health, maternal and child health, gender-based violence, and communicable diseases — also significant areas of focus under the Paris Declaration. The Paris Declaration includes commitments which focus on communities most affected by HIV: to mobilize resources for the better integration of public health and development, to build and accelerate urban HIV strategies, and to use the AIDS response as a catalyst for positive social transformation. In towns of Ozurgeti, Lanchkhuti, and Chakhstauri (Guria region) a round table was held bringing together doctors, NGO representatives, social workers, and local governmental representatives to discuss HIV prevention, testing, treatment, and the overall situation in the region. The second half of the meeting focused on the declaration and appropriate responses from the government, healthcare professionals, local communities, pharmaceutical companies, and donors. An action plan for Guria region was drafted outlining changes to be implemented to better the situation. At the end of the meeting each participant received a copy of the declaration in Georgian, translated through the efforts of the Union Women Center.
Project focused on changing behaviors of youth through peer-to-peer education, designing of research on youth vision and accessibility information on youth friendly service center which works in Tbilisi and give opportunity to young people in creating positive change concerning to the availability of Sexual Reproductive Health counseling services. The following activities carry outtraining of young peer-educators for peer-to-peer education for deliver meetings in home university, Focus-group discussion, survey and the round-table meeting with NGOs and service providers working on SRH. Analyzes of survey which based on qualitative and quantitative methodology, the focus group discussions revealed that students do not aware about youth-friendly reproductive health centers available at primary health care level and interviewed 12% of students never visited doctor. Therefore, 75% of student rarely visited general practitioner or doctor at reproductive health centers, the reasons not visited is related to low quality of services and luck of anonymity. About 59% of respondents search information about sexual and reproductive health on internet. Almost all Students (96%) were interested in youth-friendly consultation centers and 62% attaching to it a great importance. 43% of interviewed students desire qualified doctor and 31% psychologist as a personnel service providers at youth-friendly consultation centers. More than three quarter (78%) of students admitted that university never provides prevention activities on health lifestyle, therefore 55% of student desire was general information about health care, 79% needed more information about sexually transmitted diseases and 49% about family planning and contraception. Students talked about important steps, recommendations and ask for more communication, information, public education and for convenient, affordable and quality services. Students highlight information about different services, procedures and providers, on programs designed for youth and in general on issues of prevention and promotion of healthy lifestyle.
"ASTRA NETWORK" | |||||||||||
2.Rights of aging women on health and improvements of health care system in this sphere” – TASO – Project directed to raze awareness on cervical cancer screening among community. For improving doctors response to this problem was created a post-graduate training course Screening on Cervical Cancer “. The course “Screening on Cervical Cancer” was approved by the Ministry of Labor, Health, and Social Affairs as part of the certificate program for postgraduate training of doctors. Duration of the training course – 5 days, and was available with the payment of the course fee. After completing the course, doctors received 25 credits. Manual for Re-qualifaction Doctor on Screening and Treatment of Carvical Cancer 3.“Movie Breaking the silence” “Breaking the silence” presents women’s stories written by life itself and told by women themselves. Female characters from Poland, Lithuania, Slovakia, Moldova, Georgia and the Ukraine share personal problems in exercising their rights in the area of sexual and reproductive health (e.g. right to access to adequate health services, sexual education, modern contraception, safe abortion, or the problem of feminization of the HIV/AIDS pandemic). The movie clearly shows that in the region, the basic rights of female human beings are constantly violated. Authors hope to raise awareness about women’s tragedies and hardships which could be easily avoided if policy makers upheld their commitments. ASTRA Member organizations who took part in the project: Federation for Women and family Planning/Poland Lithuanian family planning Association/Lithuania Reproductive Health Training Center/Moldova Women’s Health and family Planning/Ukraine NGO Pro-Choice/Slovakia Women’s Center/Georgia Documentary "Breaking the silence" – Georgia Women’s Center organized presentation documentary for Women’s NGO Coalition Members ( as for today coalition consists of 82 NGO ), for reproductive youth volunteer group ( 14 member ), for representative of education system, health system in Tbilisi and in two regional town Mtskheta. 4. Project - Reproductive Health Supply ( ASTRA) ASTRA Central and Eastern European Women's Network for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights conducted surveys among ASTRA partner organizations in a number of countries to obtain information on the accessibility of reproductive health (RH) supplies in Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries. (Reproductive health supplies include contraceptives, condoms, safe motherhood supplies, supplies needed for safe abortion care, HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment supplies, i.e. HIV testing kits, as well as information regarding family planning, sexuality education and HIV/AIDS prevention.) ASTRA compiled its results into a Report on Reproductive Health (RH) Supplies in ASTRA Countries. Participant countries included: Albania (Albanian Family Planning for Population and Development/ Tirana); Armenia(Women's Right Center/Yerevan); Azerbaijan (Center "Women and Modern World"/Baku); Georgia (Women's Center/ Tbilisi); Macedonia (Shelter Centar/Skopje); Poland (Federation for Women and Family Planning/Warsaw); The aim of project is to increase knowledge about RH supplies thought prepared manual as a guide on SH supplies which will support in the understanding among policy makers of the critical importance initiate programs focused at improving access to contraception service Results of our work rise awareness among doctor ,women's human rights network, Women's Leadership Coalition ,among youth , parliamentarians of Committee on Health and Social Issues; Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia;- mass media; Through protection women's reproductive rights support of establishment effective and reproductive health services: Aware women about the wide choices in contraceptive methods; Prevention of infertility and consulting for safer abortion; Prevention of reproductive tract infection; HIV/AIDS Re-training and health professionals to provide comprehensive treatment, http://www.rhrealitycheck.org/blog/2009/02/25/reproductive-health-supplies-not-accessible-central-eastern-europe
5.We Choose To Be Healthy” Event. (Youth Group ASTRA, Global Fund for Women) The goals of the project were to inform young people living in Georgia about SRHR including a broad range of health and rights issues related to sexuality and reproduction. This includes: sexuality education, abortion, family planning, STIs including HIV/AIDS prevention, assisted reproduction, adolescents’ rights and to sexual and reproductive health information and services free of discriminations. We held one day action in United Nations/Summer Camp For Young People Aged 15-18 which located in Tsxnety We Gave Them information About STDs Such As: Gonorrhea (Neisseria gonorrhoeae), Syphilis (Treponema pallidum), Lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV) (Chlamydia trachomatis serotypes L1, L2, L3. Chlamydia), Hepatitis B. ,Herpes simplex, Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV/AIDS), Trichomoniasis (Trichomonas vaginalis) Distributed Booklet “We choose to be healthy”, T Shirts with Slogan and Made Mobile Phone Hangers also give them for distribution among their friend booklets, poster HIV/AIDS, T Shirts, Reproductive Health and Mass-media The aim of the project was to inform the journalists on such problematic issues as: poverty, labour migration, human trafficking, domestic violence, reproductive health and rights, HIV/AIDS. In order to raise awareness of the journalists regarding these issues was the organization of the school for the journalists which implied four-day seminars. The selection was processed under the specially organized council.The trained journalists had to write the articles in the magazines and newspapers over the year. The project included the prize fund.
Public Hearing on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Europarliament -2008 Was organised by the Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality of European Parliament and ASTRA representative were was present recent trends regarding sexual and reproductive rights in Central and Eastern Europe. http:www.astra.org.pl |
“Advocating Awareness Raising on SRHR” | |||||||||||
The project was supported by ASTRA assisting in capacity building between the government and NGOs to provide evidence-based, targeted information on SRHR education and health services to adjust the response accordingly.
The goal of the project was:
More than 90 people from different fields have been trained. While working on the pilot project we revealed that neither NGO representatives nor doctors understand the necessity of knowledge of reproductive rights and how to use them. Besides, we revealed that young people have zero knowledge about reproductive health and they really need help. (ASTRA) |
“Advocacy of Youth in the Area of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights and Creation of Youth Friendly Service“ |
Project focuses on creation of powerful youth group to work on promotion of SRHR, to establish youth-friendly services. To reach this aim we plan through seminar-training of the university students. We have trained 160 students from Tbilisi State Medical College N 2 and from Tbilisi Medical Institute “Panatsea”. We gave them basic information about Reproductive Rights and Sexual Health. During this training we have chosen 20 students who were continuing work on these issues; Was created youth friendly service in Women’s Center providing hot-line and e-mail consultations as well as setting up the volunteers network on promotion of SRHR in 4 Universities.
According to the training it can be said that nearly 90% of the students have no idea about Reproductive Health and Rights, Sexually Transmitted Infections including HIV/AIDS; contraception and abortion. The work we have done showed that it is necessary to give information in early ages. We intend to increase understanding of linkages between health and reproductive rights. Next step must be implementation of SRHR among health care providers and youth in the regional parts of Georgia. Our task is to raise awareness through training of the health care practitioners, youth and policy makers involved in health care institutions as well as State health departments to understand the importance of these issues and multidisciplinary collaboration of health institutions with policymakers and NGOs. We published the book “Reproductive Health and Rights”; (National Women’s Program Open Society – Georgia Foundation) |
The goal of the book is to give basic knowledge about reproductive health and rights (RHR), to increase understanding of linkages between health and reproductive rights.
The book consists of five chapters. The first chapter "Reproductive Rights and Health Problems" consists of translated materials from the publication "Sexual and Reproductive Rights and Health in Central and Eastern Europe" prepared by ASTRA. It attracts the readers’ attention on the situation concerning reproductive health and rights problem in the region, the policies and strategies. In addition, it contains the situation analyses of RHR in Georgia. The second chapter "Reproductive Health" contains basic knowledge on reproductive health and rights, sexual health and rights, sexually transmitted diseases as well as the situation analyses with respect to Reproductive Health in Georgia (STD: syphilis, chlamiydia, candida, herpes, hepatit A, B, C, gonorrhea, thrichomoniasis, HIV/AIDS, contraception, abortion) and the review of national legislative basis with respect to these problems. The materials of this chapter have been prepared in Women's Center by Ia Verulashvili, Lali Baratashvili, Nino Kartvelishvili, Maka Gabexadze, Lela Tevzadze, Tamta Komaxidze. The third chapter -"Health and Human Rights Norms and Standards" discusses how human rights are enshrined in international law, links between health and human rights, international human rights instruments, integration of human rights in health, how human rights support work to strengthen health system, and also United Nations Human Rights Organizational Structure. The chapter is based on the translated materials "25 Questions & Answer on Health & Human Rights "publication series issues N1, 2002 WHO. The forth chapter "International Legislative Bases of Reproductive Rights" contains Ten Human Rights Keys to Reproductive Rights translated from "Reproductive Rights are Human Rights " prepared by Center of Reproductive Rights. The Fifth chapter "Protection of Human Rights System according to European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights" shows how the international system of human rights protection established under the European Convention on Protection of Human Rights can be used for protection of reproductive rights. The chapter has been prepared on the basis of translated materials from ASTRA publication "How to use European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms in Matters of Reproductive Law”. At the end of book the information on "Women's Center's" experience in the sphere of the issues in question is provided. The book will be useful for health care providers, NGO representatives, policy makers and general public. |
Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Europe – Georgia | |||||||||||