Health rights and the Rights to access to Medical Service of
the Women Victims of Trafficking Human Beings (OSCE)
Project was directed to raise awareness on the phenomenon of human trafficking among the health care professionals thus contributing to better assistance and rehabilitation of the victims of trafficking.
Implement violence indicators for identification of the violence in practice, the awareness of the primary healthcare providers were raised through trainings (90 people wee trained), including the trainings of representatives of the victim identification mobile groups (12 people were trained) of the “State Fund for Protection and Assistance of Victims of Human Trafficking” (State Fund). The implementing partner contributed to the development of cooperation between our consultation office and law enforcement, judiciary, migration authorities, and other relevant state agencies and NGOs, by means of roundtable meetings.
Altogether around one hundred of medical personnel would develop their skills on screening, documentation and awareness, as well as specific methodology of treating the victims of trafficking.
The project activities included six one-day seminars in 6 hospitals for 90 medical staff in Tbilisi and a one-day seminar for 12 people from the State Fund for Protection and Assistance of Victims of Human Trafficking (mobile groups).
The project would encourage medical authorities to better understand the necessity of the policy development and provide subsidies for treatment and rehabilitation of the victims of trafficking.
This project was the first step in raising the awareness of the problem of human trafficking among healthcare providers. It strengthened partnership among hospitals, shelters, law enforcement, and NGOs working on this problem and brought long term results.

2. New course of special program for licensing and re-certification of health care providers ”Health Consequences of Trafficking; Sexually Transmitted Infections and Reproductive Tract Infections”,
To raise awareness on the phenomenon of human trafficking among the health care professionals thus contributing to better assistance and rehabilitation of the victims of trafficking we created a new course of special program for licensing and re-certification of health care providers”Health Consequences of Trafficking; Sexually Transmitted Infections and Reproductive Tract Infections”, which has been approved by the Ministry of labor, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia. This is a five-day program of 25 credit-hours. After completing the program the doctors received certificates allowing them to work with victims and treat them.
The purpose of special course was to provide accessible information to health care providers in regards to advocacy and treatment of patients. Because effective advocacy and treatment can only occur if the health care providers has a thorough understanding of the complex dynamics of trafficking , information regarding victim safety, power and control tactics and community resources.
The manual covered the following topics:
1.The dynamics of trafficking and its impact on a victim's health.
2.Cultural competency in responding to victims of trafficking
3. Health Consequences of Trafficking
4. Health Rights of Trafficked Women
5. Communication and Rights
6. Principles for Promoting the Health Rights of Trafficked Women
7. Legal issues and community recourses for victims of trafficking as well as legal and reporting issues for health care providers
8. Gynaecology: Classifying Reproductive Tract Infection and Sexual Transmitted Disease ;Visit Steps;Screening for RTIs/STIs and HIV :Presumptive Treatment :Protocol for Comprehensive STI/RTI Diagnosis and Treatment :Symptomatic STI/RTI Treatment :Cervical Infection :Lower Abdominal Pain - Pelvic Inflammatory Disease :Vaginal bleeding; Anemonea, Dysfunctional bleeding, STI, Breast cancer, Cervical cancer, HIV/AIDS.
9. Obstetric: abortion, stillbirth, complication of pregnancy |
3. Book “Trafficking and Health“
Based on our created program materials,
different foreign resources and international experience we were the first to compile a book providing basic information
on trafficking which helped health care providers in trafficking screening, documentation of the data,
reporting and monitoring, evaluation of the patient’s safety and directing the victims to the existing social centers
The book underlines the importance of nongovernmental organizations in prevention trafficking as well as the efficiency of their coordinative work with health care providers.

4. Health System Response to Trafficking Violence
Project was directed to raise awareness of trafficking among health care professionals through the
training of 100 physicians and nurses from 5 hospitals /policlinic in Tbilisi,
provide 5 community group 100 person with information of trafficking impact on health,
on National Action Plan, and involvement representatives of NGO-s, law enforcement's and medical authorities;governmental representatives
Was created and distibuted booklet " Impact Trafficking on Health"

Objective to investigate the problem of Trafficking in women from Georgia, carry out the social questioning among the suppositional groups of heightened risk in Georgia; analyze the Georgian legislation., collect the materials of research on problem in other countries; give the information to the women from group heightened risk and to public of Georgia. The analysis show the problem of trafficking in Georgia is existing in an obscured form.(OSI - Women, Law and Development)

We make action to protect the potential victims through the distribution of information on sex-tourism. There were issued the brochures (1000 copies), which were disseminated at the meetings with the representatives of different regions and social groups; also at the meetings arranged by other non-governmental organizations.
At the same time there were prepared the liflets (40000 copies) containing the mail addresses and contact telephone numbers of the residences of the ambassador of Georgia in different States, to be disseminated at the airports and other places which are closed to the State margins. (Mama-Cash)

An effective system of trafficking prevention was created in 8 regions of Georgia, which includes educational program. Representatives of women’s organization which attend training continue their work: carry out lectures in the schools, institutes about trafficking, distribute brochures and list of addresses were the women which plan to go abroad for work can apply in case of violation of their rights. Once a month women are showed TV movies about women trafficking. (Haella Foundation)
Support from
Global Fund for Women
During the transition period, problems against prostitution and trafficking in women and children, increased in Georgia. Around 46% of women lost their work during the last years. A lot of women decided to apply for a job abroad, in Turkey, Israel, Greece and other European countries. Mostly women find their job abroad illegally and often those women became victims of trafficking. No action has been taken by the government to prevent trafficking of women, who are recruited from other countries. There is no legislation in this issue.
The goals of the project were to organize the structure, which includes educational program on the protection of trafficking; establishment of network in Georgian regions, which continue their work in the region; publishing brochures on various issues of women’s problems (trafficking women, domestic violence, sexual pressure, rape is a crime). |
This project was a continuation of the project Network of Women’s Rights Awareness and Equality Against Trafficking Women in the Region of Georgia (Mama-Cash, Haella Foundation).

This project included establishment of the network in four new cities of the Georgian regions: (Ambrolauri, Ozurgeti, Batumi, Kobuleti). Also, we set up comprehensive network of volunteers and NGO's representatives, which will work on the protection of women’s rights, carry out public awareness among women, especially young women who are vulnerable to traffickers in women and prostitution.
Head of group in Ambrolauri
Pati Kemoklidze
Head of group in Batumi
Marina Chanturidze
Head of group in Ozurgeti
Lena Kadagidze
Head of group in Kobuleti
Lia Shakarashvili |
International Project
“Stop child trafficking" this is international project which took place in Italy, Austria, Germany, Greece, Sweden, Bulgaria, Georgia, Ukraine. The KINDSNET project was oriented towards the development in transnational cooperation –of an innovative tool that will facilitate the recovery of minors, trafficking for aim of sexual exploitation. It was built on three specific actions;
The creation of a transnational network for the exchange of information and best practices that involves the countries of origin ,transit and destination. The development of a standard therapeutic protocol for the approach, the recovery and rehabilitation of prostituted minors, An experimental, vocational training for social, health and judicial workers.(EU 2000-2002) |
Since 2003 we have been working with ABA on Human Trafficking issues. We are the member of the inter-agency working group working on the Human Trafficking legislation for Georgia.
Project directed on "Creation an effective system of trafficking prevention in IDP's", capacity building framework for institutional strengthening and policy development, awareness raising and victims protection. A training was held for medical doctors, social workers, meeting with community, training youth, 34 person learned computer skills.
Created Medical Consulting Center for supporting victims and signed contract with State Fund for Protection Victims of Trafficking on payment fees for victims treatment.
Created guideline for NGO how to work with victims in case if they need medical help.
Publication brochures
1. What is trafficking
2..Government Response to Trafficking Through Legislation and National Action Plan
3. Coordinate Work NGO's and Doctors to Help Victims of Human Trafficking
4. Publish posters
5. Implementation of Skills and Strategies for Conflict Solution
6. Role of Health Care Providers in Identifying and Helping Victims of Trafficking
7. Nonviolence needs all of us - (calendar poster)

Prevention Adolescent Trafficking (World Day Prayer German Committee, Virginia Gildersleeve International Fund, INC.)
Project directed to strengthen the capacity of IDP women which live in camps to lead community mobilization campaigns, to prevent trafficking in women and girls for the purpose of forced labor, sexual exploitation and to generate maximum levels of camp IDP involvement from health officials, police, teachers, cultural workers, religious leaders, and youth groups. In addition, development of the Youth Educational Program (YEP) for Prevention of Adolescent Trafficking and run it at schools. Project implement on Tserovani, Shashvebi and in Kvernaki camps . First time on the level of school children spoke about trafficking, the way of prevention and were they can get information, help. Prepared health responsible personnel for health of IDP’s in these camps. Trained journalists.

We held lectures at schools for 10,11,12 grade schoolchildren (total for 280 school children), trained 90 health professionals, organized lectures for IDP community (total 140 person), conducted a seminar-training for 15 journalists on trafficking, . Organized 3 Meeting with local camp authorities were 45 person took part . Training 15 Youth Educators ,creation volunteer network of community.
Created and publish booklets: “Phenomenon of Trafficking, State Response to Trafficking, Assistance and Protection Victims of Trafficking”.
